
Intergenerational impact

Addiction doesn't just affect the person who's struggling; it also impacts their family, especially their children, and this effect can last generations. Intergenerational trauma, a form of emotional or psychological harm that passes from one generation to the next, can significantly contribute to addiction. Addressing this trauma is thus a vital aspect of breaking the cycle of addiction.

Family stories

Family stories can both stem from and contribute to the cycle of addiction in families. Addiction often breeds secrecy as individuals struggling with substance misuse may feel the need to hide their addictive behaviours to avoid judgment or conflict. These stories can create a culture of denial and silence within the family, further isolating the individual and making it more difficult for them to seek help.

Connection and friendship in recovery

Connection and friendship play a pivotal role in the journey of recovery from addiction. At its core, recovery is not just about abstaining from substances or addictive behaviours, but about forging meaningful, supportive relationships that foster growth and resilience.

The ripple effects of recovery

The journey to recovery from addiction doesn't just transform the life of the individual embarking on it; it sends out ripples of positive change that touch every corner of their world. This process of healing and self-discovery can profoundly impact not only the person in recovery but also their family, friends, workplace, and wider community.
